Support for organizations that are strengthening our community 

Informed by convened group conversations, data supplied by charitable organizations, and regular engagement with our grant partners, Licking County Foundation is strengthening our community through grants made from Unrestricted and Field of Interest funds targeted at specific needs. This approach helps direct our resources effectively and with impact to nonprofit organizations serving residents in every corner of Licking County.  

These grants carry out the wishes of donors by helping qualified charitable organizations meet the needs of our community. Annually, the Foundation sets priority and focus areas in alignment with its strategic plan, and issues grants to eligible organizations serving Licking County as part of a strategic grant making process to support new and existing programs, emerging needs, and innovative services that might not be started or continue were it not for LCF funding. 

In 2024, LCF is particularly interested in addressing the following Priority and Focus Areas in the community and will invite grant partnership those areas:  

  • Priority Areas for multi-year grant partnership consideration: 
    • Arts & Culture: Sustaining and strategically aligning local arts and culture; programs and activities that reach out to underserved populations, and strengthen and support local arts organizations
    • Capital Projects: efforts evaluated by LCF to have a significant impact for Licking County
    • Community Development: grounded in principles of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice; programs and activities that enhance and improve the equitable treatment of all citizens; and create a more diverse, inclusive, and tolerant community
    • Education: Affordable, high-quality early education and childcare; programs and opportunities to benefit and support children
    • Health: Access to care; in-county mental health services for children and young adults; addressing mental, physical, or developmental disabilities
    • Supportive Communities: Safe, livable communities; addressing root causes of chronic homelessness and/or lack of safe and affordable housing; advocacy for shelter/housing; access to emergency shelter resources
  • Focus Areas for one-year grant partnership consideration: 
    • Advocacy for the poor and underserved, particularly with regard to food
    • Animal Welfare
    • Mental health services and support for women and school-age children
    • Transportation for emergency and other health/basic needs
    • Quality of life for seniors (Licking County citizens 60 years and older)

LCF seeks to increase its own capacity to learn about and understand new efforts and needs. Any qualified charitable organization that meets the eligibility criteria described above is encouraged to share information about Licking County initiatives by emailing However, if the specific need falls outside LCF’s identified priority and focus areas, it is less likely to be considered for funding in that calendar year.

LCF's strategic and field of interest grantmaking is guided in part by our Grant Partnership Committee, a group of community volunteers who meet quarterly to consider potential grant partners and review information about other qualified charitable organizations. 

For a complete list of funding eligibility, restrictions, and exclusions, please read our Discretionary Grant Program Guidelines. 

Access the list of current Unrestricted and Field of Interest grant partners here.

Questions? Contact:  
Bobby Persinger, Program Officer, Grants and Capacity Building, 740.349.3863, ext. 113